After going through three different M9’s over a 2-year period and after experiencing all possible problems firsthand, I thought I could share a few user tips that worked for me in addressing some of the camera’s shortcomings.
* I only shoot RAW.
* The camera’s meter gets easily fooled if there is a bright source of light in the background.
Whenever possible I use a hand held incident light meter; shoot in manual mode and check my histogram, or if there is no time (while in aperture priority mode), I just lock the meter away from the bright light, then compose and shoot.
* The camera’s auto WB lacks consistency in a series of shots.
I use a gray card and set custom WB if there is time, otherwise I use Passport ColorChecker afterwards and fix the white balance in post processing. I always carry the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport with me.
* High ISO banding.
I don’t use continuous shooting mode with high iso, also I don’t chimp until the camera finishes writing the file.
I try to overexpose a little and then dial it down in post processing.
I don’t shoot when the battery charge is low. I switch the battery for a fully charged one.
* To avoid SD card problems I never delete any pictures using the camera’s DELETE button. After shooting I move all the files to my computer’s hard drive and then format the card in the camera.